HubSpot CRM Platform

Concentrate all your Marketing, Sales and Customer Service activities in one place.

HubSpot is the only CRM platform that was born integral, modular and scalable.

Each company chooses how to grow best. Start with priority features and scale as your business grows.

HubSpot modules

  • Marketing: attract potential customers by creating relevant content for each type of person. Manage your social networks, your email marketing campaigns, automate repetitive nutrition processes, manage your online chats and program your chatbots. It contains a blog editor that inspires you to write and a specific module for you to manage your SEO strategy that positions better than your competition.
  • Service: commit yourself, guide, grow better with your clients, improve their customer experience so that they are happy promoters of your brand.
  • CMS: host your website and turn it into an excellent showcase for your company. You will see why it is #1 and it is chosen by the world's leading companies.
  • CRM: create an efficient process to nurture your prospects and convert them into customers, using your time and energy only on the most qualified. Its lead-scoring tool will make your Sales team gain efficiency and more customers.

Edit, change or upload new landing pages without depending on the HTML expert, or worrying about a plug-in that has stopped working.

The ubiquitous optimizer is for creating blogs, HTMLs, networking content, everything. Your themes, as Google likes, will not fail.
100% of your digital marketing can be measured. And all the execution is interconnected, without the need to work UTMs manually.
E-mail marketing
No more email marketing tools and separate databases. Watch the behavior of each contact to send them only what interests them.
Landing pages
Create, optimize and publish at the speed of light.
Increase the productivity of your teams. Workflows will allow you to go on vacation and your clients will not miss you.
Social networks

No more external tools to develop your posts, schedule, publish, measure or interact with your audience.


Attract potential customers with rich and nutritious content, optimized from birth.

The buyer´s path

Produce content, elaborate and perfect your communication plan all within the tool.

Why is Hubspot a comprehensive CRM platform?

No more email marketing tools and separate databases. Watch the behavior of each contact to send them only what interests them.
Plataforma CRM HubSpot integral

"You will stop chasing your potential buyers, to start attracting, converting and delighting them"

With HubSpot you can do it all in one place

Consumers avoid messages intended exclusively for sale: they switch television stations when advertising appears, they cut phone calls cold, or they create rules that eliminate repetitive emails. They no longer want to be sold, but to go shopping. They have much more access to information thanks to the internet and mobile devices, they are just one click away from obtaining any product or service. They are super informed and that is why they are called "omni-clients".

HAL plataforma CRM

1. Attract

Rich, useful and educational content such as blogs, e-books, videos, etc. that answer the questions your potential customers ask.

2. Convert

Convert traffic to your website into sales opportunities. A powerful CRM will allow your team to focus on mature leads, automating the follow-up of your cooler prospects.

3. Delight

Let them know that you remember them, send them that content that you know they consume and like. Offer to help them before they ask for it.

E-mail marketing

Plataforma CRM HubSpot


Design and host your site in HubSpot CMS, the product chosen by the most innovative brands

CRM sitio web

Landing pages

Create and customize landing pages without resorting to specialized technicians


Artificial intelligence to help you with SEO

Increase your authority in search engines with SEO tools, unique in the industry.


Design a workflow or set of marketing actions that are executed according to a start condition.

At HubSpot, capturing leads, nurturing them, or following your leads is much easier.


Marketing analytics

Measure your entire funnel from Marketing, including Sales and even the quality of service in your Customer Services area

Plataforma CRM HubSpot

Social Network

Create massive drafts, schedule, schedule, copy, clone, change day and time to the second, post, know your metrics and monitor trends.

Social Connected


Delights everyone with the content that everyone seeks.

HAL CRM personaliza


With a CRM platform, you will be able to personalize communications according to the actions carried out by each contact in your data base to create a relationship of trust and show that you are attentive to their needs. You will also have the option of sending them emails according to their profile and continue to provide them with useful and educational content. 

After several weeks, they will be closer to choose you.

What does it mean to implement a CRM platform?

Companies that need to make a complete digital transformation of their Marketing, Sales, Customer Services areas and update their website adopt the complete HubSpot CRM Suite with 4 products. The biggest advantage of this is having a single contact base for the entire company and from there possibly integrating an ERP or a billing system. 

Sounds like a very big project for your company? So we recommend adopting one product at a time. The advantages of the HubSpot CRM platform:

Contenido HAL CRM_


In each product there are Starter, PRO and Enterprise versions. As your practice grows and matures, you make the leap and you define when, not HubSpot.


Whether to start with marketing automation or making the Sales area more efficient, or what if we update that web page that has not been touched for 5 years? It is also your decision. Products are added at the time you choose by combining them in the version you choose. It can be a Marketing PRO and a CRM Starter.

Easy to implement

A typical implementation of marketing automation takes 3 months. A CRM for your sales team in medium or large companies usually takes 6 months. A CMS can be ready to attract your potential clients in 1 month.

Easy to use

G2 has positioned HubSpot as the platform that users love for years, both in their marketing automation tools and CRM. Sellers will have all the information they need fully linked to one another. What else?

Some companies integrate with HubSpot systems such as:

  • Existing CRM (from other brands like Microsoft Dynamic, Salesforce, etc.)
  • Webinar platforms, surveys, sending messages, etc.
  • ERPs, billing systems
  • Big-data and analytics platforms
  • ...and more.
HAL Company is the only Advanced Implementation Certified Partner in Latin America to develop integration software between HubSpot and other corporate platforms. We know the value of data and help companies across the region get the most out of it.
Did you know that 120,000+ companies and millions of users love the HubSpot CRM platform?

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